I'm playing Vilvadi. the garbage shit boy @davedittell if you fuck up a meal just call it Chicago style and serve it anyway PM 12 Dec 15 Twitter for iPhone, 200Ibs to 122lbs (was very hard to find before photo as I hated myself) SS. Arnold responds, as he walks out of the room, "I'll be Bach". declared Matt. And if anyone thinks they don't get the types of social interactions they get at school, you'd be wrong. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Sean Connery, Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger are discussing making a movie about great composers. Schwarzenegger: *takes deep breath*" You see, the punch line is- *phone rings* hello? The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. I'm playing Vivaldi. and the theme is composers. Some jokes are funny, but use them with caution in real life. vst dream. ", There is a rumor that a movie about a 17th century classical composers will be made. I don't make the rules, Daddy Go Fish @daddygofish in today's episode of 'how strong is your marriage' we take a trip to Home Depot to pick out a shade of white. as THE DESIGNER OF THE NES SAYS IT SOLD SO WELL IN > THE USA PARTLY BECAUSE ae "AMERICA LOVES GUNS." "I'll be Beethoven". A) He'd be Bach. "I'd like the role of Mozart!" "It's a little different than the stuff you're known for," the agent says, "It's a period piece about classical music composers. But after his death he became a decomposer. I wanna make a movie about classical music and classical composers. The America I grew up in was a bit different. "There is no need," Arnold says. Matt Damon, Brad Pitt and Arnold Schwarzenegger are all taking part in a new movie about classical composers. Vandamme: I'll be Mozart. Lou Ferrigno wanted Beethoven. Happy that no one picked his composer, Arnold announces "I'll be Bach". VanDamme: I'll be Mozart. It was a Rocky relationship. Sylvester Stallone said, "I'll be mozart." Jean Claude Van Damme said, "I'll be Beethoven." Schwarzenegger said, "I'll be bach." In honor of Father's day, a dad joke Bruce: 'how about historical figures? Don't worry, we got this. All the action heroes are at Stalone's house when their phones all go off. Stallone: I'm making a movie about composers, I'll be Beethoven. However, it's generally not a good idea to spell words incorrectly, as this can make it difficult for others to understand what you're trying to say. Leo said, "I'd like to play Beethoven." Schwarzenegger: 'Stop it guys, I'm not saying it!'. Twitter for Android 87 Retweets 15 Quote Tweets 520 Likes Ooopsie Sly: 'ok, sounds good. Arnold puts his finger in the air and states: 7,3km/h windspeed from 33 north-east. Arnold Schwarzenegger says "In zat caseI'll be Bach", A man learns how to go into alternate dimensions where he can become other people. 9 days ago. Arnie said "I'll be Bach", Steven Spielberg decides that he wants to make a movie about famous composers. Many of the stallone tarantino puns are supposed to be funny, but some can be offensive. Stallone: I'm making a movie about composers, I'm playing Beethoven. I'll go as Freud.' Jet Li: Chopin! "I'll be Mozart" Schwarzenegger: Stop it guys, I'm not saying it. Stallone: I'm making a movie - Mick Williams' Cyber-Line - Facebook VanDamme: I'll be Mozart. Your anaconda definitely wants some. I'll be Beethoven." This site uses cookies to personalize ads and to analyse web traffic, for more info please review our Privacy Policy, Best Funny Videos 2023, Chinese Funny clips daily #shorts 8. Bruce Willis and Sylvester Stallone were discussing their next Halloween costumes. There are a lot of heated comments and I wondered what the people here thought? We hope you will find these stallone sylvester stallone puns funny enough to tell and make people laugh. Arnold: No! 32+ Loads of Fun with Charming Humor Classical Composer Jokes - Joko Jokes What do you think? "I wanna be Beethoven," said Stallone. They decide to go as classical composers, so they head to the store to buy their costumes for the ball. Next up is Chuck Norris. Arnold says I'll be Bach. In the middle of the auditions, Arnold Schwarzenegger walked in and simply declared, "I'll be Bach. Because when their opponent makes a point, they always respond with a valid counterpoint. The 22+ Best Composers Jokes - UPJOKE Remember that there are jokes based on truth that can bring down governments, or jokes that make girls laugh. Sylvester Stallone says "I wana be Motzart!" Happy that no one picked his composer, Arnold announces "I'll be Bach". Chuck says: "Don't you have any ideas?" Bruce tells the other stars, "I'll dress up as Mozart". RT @stevevsninjas: Stallone: I'm making a documentary about composers. Van Damme: I'll be Mozart. Hundreds of jokes posted each day, and some of them aren't even reposts! when RoboCop says "We should all be classical musical composers; I'll be..Beethoven!". He quickly hides the sheets in his pocket, but the other composer notices and asks: Their agents give them news about a new action movie focused on the great composers. ", Stephen Speilberg has just recently decided to create a new action movie about the greatest composers on Earth. "Mozart's the one for me!" Steve vs. Ninjas Stallone: I'm making a documentary about composers. I Nun SpongeQuonSquareStamps 2.7K 15. "I'll be Bach." Sylvester says "I wanna be Mozart!" Read them and you will understand what jokes are funny? Sure, we can be jealous that they got the last of the good old days, but at least we can detach ourselves from the idea of America more easily, because we never had an America worth getting attached to, My mom's had a little lemon tree in her backyard for a year and this is her first lemon lo, the snit In my ass as soon as I pick up my car keys 77 its showtinnel. Okay! Sean Connery says "I would shertainly like to play Moshart." After like the third time not getting it I said "I'll be back" out loud a few times in the voiceoh. As the two are planning their costumes, Arnold checks the time and notices he's late for an appointment. Bruce shrugs and says, "I guess I'll be Beethoven". Stallone: I'm making a documentary about composers. I'm - iFunny Schwarzenegger: 'Stop it guys, I'm not saying it!'. When a joke goes too far, we try to silence them and it will be great if you give us feedback every time when a joke becomes inappropriate. Stallone, Willis and Schwarzenegger are producing and starring in a period drama about the Great Composers. Spielberg asked Arnold Schwarzenegger. Schwarzenegger: I'll be Bach. "I wanna be Beethoven," said Stallone. Arnold Schwarzeneggar says he'll be Bach. and the theme is composers. He says "This is awesome, I've always wanted to be Arnold Schwarzenegger acting in the Terminator films, but I've also always wanted to compose classical music. Please note that this site uses cookies to personalise content and adverts, to provide social media features, and to analyse web traffic. "There is no need," Arnold says. "I'll be Beethoven" says Stallone. Schwarzenegger: Stop it guys I'm not saying it. What I wrote was actually a play on words, where the phrase "Sofa king we todd did" sounds like a sentence with a vulgar word in it. They are the best thing since Sly's bread. ge, ow we ss meet : ' { we Scrounging up $8 y measly _ en Celebrities, Moral: "If you don't bully the shit out of your homeschooled kids, they will not get the benefits of a public education." ", He says he wants to make an action movie about classical music composers. We suggest you to use only working composers amadeus piadas for adults and blagues for friends. Schwarzenegger: *takes deep breath* PM - 08 Sep 21 - Twitter for Android The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. So first, I'll be Bach", His newest album is titled, "I'll Be Bach.". 2 comment. Arnold says I'll be Bach, It's been a little rocky between us ever since, Stallone: 'I'm making a movie about composers, I'll be Beethoven' I wanna make a movie about classical music and classical composers. He'll be Bach, Arnold Schwarznegger, Sly Stallone & Chuck Norris are invited to a ball where they must all go in fancy dress. "I'll play him." Q) If Arnold Schwarzenegger was a German classical music composer, who would he have been? "And how do you know that's what they like?" Wife: Stallone? They compose when they are alive and decompose when they are dead! However, they couldn't decide which one of them was to play each classical composer in the film series. Sean Connery says "I would shertainly like to play Moshart." Arnold Schwarzenegger's girlfriend broke up with him in hopes that it would be enough to stop him from dressing up as classical composers for halloween. They're making a movie about classical music composers. Van Damme, "I'll be Mozart." (It came to me in a dream last night. Stalone: I'm not going to be in it if I can't be Mozart. Stallone: I'm making a documentary about composers. They decide to go as classical composers, so they head to the store to buy their costumes for the ball. "Yeah, this may sound silly, but I was actually thinking about doing a movie on great classical composers" ". Images, GIFs and videos featured seven times a day. As he hurries out the door, Bruce and Stallone ask "Hey, Arnol, Bruce: "Okay guys, let's decide which musicians we'd like to portray", when they came up with the idea for a movie series based on the lives of classical musicians. Capable-Site-301 9 mo. They each toil over who they will play, until the next day they meet. Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger were making Arnie says: 'I'll be Bach', Sean Connery, Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger are discussing making a movie about great composers. Braaaaaaahms, Braaaahms, Braaaaaaahms Brr Brr, Braaaaaaahms! "And what about you?" Sylvester Stallone says "I wana be Motzart!" "Yeah, this may sound silly, but I was actually thinking about doing a movie on great classical composers" Bruce Willis says "I'll be Mozart", Chuck Norris says "I'll be Beethoven" and Arnold Schwarzenegger says "I'll be Bach". Read them and you will understand what jokes are funny? They wanted to get away from the typical scary characters and do something different. Things have been a little rocky between us ever since, He says he wants to make an action movie about classical music composers. - altering the Pray that I n not al alter it again, the dogs out Wino I 2000s comedy movies with dogs, Simultaneously the most nated country on earth, and the one everyone will cross thousands of miles over land and sea to live in. "I'll be Beethoven". The medallion UNILAD AN Shaq finally served lawsuit -alter hiding for live months, lawyer says, lama altering the saturation. "They love classical music! We suggest you to use only working classical composer sonata piadas for adults and blagues for friends. When in the store, Sly says: 'I'll dress as Mozart' Liam Neeson then pipes up saying 'Im going to be Mozart, i find his music very relaxing and very baroque' He puts out a casting call. I'm playing Vivaldi. They each toil over who they will play, until the next day they meet. Van Damne says "OK, I'll be Mozart". Sylvester Stallone, Chuck Norris, and Arnold Schwarzenegger have to put on a play featuring their favorite musical composers. . Van Damne says "OK, I'll be Mozart". Read stallone travolta jokes no one knows (to tell your friends) that will make you laugh out loud. Van Damme: 'I'll be Mozart' Those of you who have teens can tell them clean composers pianist dad jokes. ME Haha what was that actually supposed to say? Jean Claude Van Damme said, "I'll be Beethoven." "I think I'll play Beethoven!" "I'd like the role of Mozart!" Dwayne Johnson chose Mozart. Stallone: I'm making a movie about composers. I'm playing Vivaldi. and our To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Gary Oldman walks in first and says, "I played Beethoven in *Immortal Beloved*, so I already have experience playing the part. However, if you say the phrase out loud quickly, you'll notice that it sounds like "So fucking retarded." Next, Gary Oldman calls. Schwarzenegger says "I'll be Bach". VanDamme: I'll be Mozart. Statham: I'm rather partial to Beethoven myself. Stallone: I'm making a movie about composers, I'm playing - Reddit Schwarzenegger: *takes deep breath* They are talking to the director about what roles they want to play. Chuck Says: 'I'll go as Beethoven' Some jokes are funny, but use them with caution in real life. Click here for more information. and the theme is composers. Steve vs. Ninjas Stallone: I'm making a documentary about composers. ", Arnold Schwarznegger, Sly Stallone & Chuck Norris are invited to a ball where they must all go in fancy dress. As he hurries out the door, Bruce and Stallone ask "Hey, Arnold, who'll you dress up as? Read classical composer pianist jokes no one knows (to tell your friends) that will make you laugh out loud. Please note that this site uses cookies to personalise content and adverts, to provide social media features, and to analyse web traffic. Much like Sylvester Stallone, there is a communication problem. That's when Arnold trows himself in the conversation and says: "That sounds like a great idea! They already approached Arnold Schwarzenegger about playing fellow Austrian Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, but he said "no, I'll be Bach!". Images, GIFs and videos featured seven times a day. 2thelbread (AP @Aethelbread Hope is never lost The reconquest of Iberia was fought from the tiny red sliver at the top AG, "I literally would not exist without you.." "My time has passed, your time is now bro. And so Arnold pauses a moment, and then says "I'll be Bach.". What are you Haydn? then it was probably written by more experimental composers after ~1760. There are also composers puns for kids, 5 year olds, boys and girls. "How do you know they're smart?" "I'll be Bach," said Arnie. 2. kaminobaka 9 mo. ME Can you spell a word wrong on purpose? VanDamme: I'll be Mozart. Vandamme: I'll be Mozart. I can scarcely fathom how jarring it must be for Gen X to watch the country they grew up in turn around and actively destroy the very foundation of its existence that they once celebrated. "I'll be Bach. 102. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Text reads: Stallone: I'm making a documentary about composers. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. I know you guys love that stuff too. CORTANA Sure, I can spell a word wrong on purpose. "I'll be Mozart" Next up is Chuck Norris. When a joke goes too far, we try to silence them and it will be great if you give us feedback every time when a joke becomes inappropriate. Sylvester Stallone says "I wana be Motzart!" But get this: Joy is the name of my shotgun.". Eventually they. They all agree that Stallone should play the role of Beethoven, but Willis and Schwarzenegger get into an argument about who should play Chopin. Terminator stands up and says "I'll be Bach!". Schwarzenegger: I'll be Bach. Many of the classical composer baroque puns are supposed to be funny, but some can be offensive. Sylvester responds, "I'd be a great Beethoven". But deep down, she still knew that he'd be bach. It will even star Arnold Schwarzenegger among others. Jean Claude Van Damme said, "I'll be Beethoven." I'll be Bach. I'm playing Vilvadi. Schwarzenegger: I'll be Bach. Lastly Arnold Schwarzenegger says 'Ill be Bach', After a few drinks Steven says he's thinking about making an action movie about classical composers ", Who tells him that an up-and-coming director is looking for German- and Austrian-born actors for a movie. Try to remember jokes you've never heard to tell your friends and make them laugh. Schwarzenegger, "Stop it, I'm not saying it. His creates his cast and asks them 'Who do you want to be' Yeah, except I feel like Arnie would totally say it. Everyone: Come on Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Schwarzenegger: 'takes deep breath* That's when Arnold trows himself in the conversation and says: "That sounds like a great idea! If you're trying to make a point or be humorous, it's usually better to use a pun or a play on words instead of deliberately misspelling a word. The Great Composers! Sylvester Stallone says "Uh, well, I guess I wanna play Beethoven." This is a dumb movie. Tom Hulce walks in first and says, "I played Mozart in Amadeus, and would love to play him again." Van Damne says "OK, I'll be Mozart". There are also classical composer puns for kids, 5 year olds, boys and girls. What are you Haydn? I'm playing Vivaldi. Enjoy this list of puns and riddles where you ask a question with answers, or where the setup is the punchline. It will even star Arnold Schwarzenegger among others. He picks up a costume and said, "I'll be Bach. Sylvester says "I wanna be Mozart!" Enjoy this list of puns and riddles where you ask a question with answers, or where the setup is the punchline. In case I'm not the only one who had to think about that a minute. CAUSE WORKS SALVATION CAUSES SALVATION WORKS Ephesians 'For we are His workmanshif reated in Christ Jesus for goc worke which Cod nrangred, VA 76% cortana SAYS vee 00 vvout epics. Stallone goes first. They had all the details nailed down: the plot, the characters, the music, and so on. So one day, Sylvester Stallone, Jean-Claude Van Dam, and Arnold Schwarzenegger were sitting together in a bar, kicking back, drinking a few brews, talking about life and talking about the roles they'd played in movies. There is a rumor that a movie about a 17th century classical composers will be made. Idc if y'all going to call me stupid but after you do please explain this to me, I'm not getting it, I got a fever and the only prescription for it is more. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. "I'll be Bach. Arnold Schwarzenegger meets with him and says, "I'll be Bach. "I'll be Mozart" Schwarzenegger: stop it guys I'm not saying it. Arnold says "in that caseI'll be Bach", They are talking to the director about what roles they want to play. Tom Hulce calls in next, "I was Mozart in *Amadeus*, and would love to play him again. Optimus Prime agrees and says "alright - I'll be..Mozart!". It's for Stallone's new movie *The Composers*, about the descendants of famous European composers joining forces to fight terrorism. Van Damme: 'I'll be Mozart' Some jokes are funny, but use them with caution in real life. As he hurries out the door, Bruce and Stallone ask "Hey, Arnold, who'll you dress up as? Schwarzenegger said, "I'll be bach.". Arnold Schwarzenegger says "I'll be Bach". they asked. Chuck says: "Don't you have any ideas?" Privacy Policy. When in the store, Sly says: 'I'll dress as Mozart' We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. "It's naht a tuba!" "Come with me if you want to Liszt." "Hasta la vista, Bizet.". I'm playing Beethoven. There are also stallone puns for kids, 5 year olds, boys and girls. '", They're making a movie about classical music composers. The funniest sub on Reddit. When in the store, Sly says: 'I'll dress as Mozart' Yeah, ok. Will you help me make a movie about it and show the world how cultured we are?. I want to see Amadeus remade with Van Damme as Mozart. We suggest you to use only working stallone sylvester piadas for adults and blagues for friends. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks were all making a movie about famous composers. Schwarzenegger: *takes deep breath* PM 08 Sep 21 - Twitter for Android . By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Spielberg asked Bruce Willis. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. ", Which I think is great, I've always loved Sylvester Stallone as an actor. Jeez I wont say it. Schwarzenegger said, "I'll be bach. Read them and you will understand what jokes are funny? Read composers terminator jokes no one knows (to tell your friends) that will make you laugh out loud. Arnold Schwarznegger, Sly Stallone & Chuck Norris are invited to a ball where they must all go in fancy dress. When asked who he wanted to play, Arnold Schwarzenegger said, I'll be Bach. Optimus Prime agrees and says "alright - I'll be..Mozart!". ", Bruce: "Okay guys, let's decide which musicians we'd like to portray". FAR OUT, MAN. They each toil over who they will play, until the next day they meet. ", Sylvester Stallone says, "Guys, we should make a movie with the three of us, but I'm all out of ideas at the moment, I'm kind of bored with the standard action flicks.". 50+ Fun-Filled Composers Jokes to Boost Your Mood Cookie Notice Arnold says "in that caseI'll be Bach", Baklava. I'm playing Vivaldi.

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