If not how can you increase your time in nature? (If you cannot think of anything, then talk about something you would like to be great at). Check out the free articles on this site to better your counseling skills using the Taking the Escalator Method which is designed to be effective with challenging clients who may not be ready to change, This page has amazing stuff for counselors including educational powerpoints on Evidence-based treatment practices as well as quick links to important sites including where to find treatment anywhere in the US, This page has resources including group therapy materials as well as educational materials and presentations specific to Trauma, Taking the Escalator offers a variety of free assessment and screening tools. After each step, Many mysterious, unknown and unsolved things have happened throughout the years in both past and recent history. - Getting Started Up the Mountain), Motivation, Determination, & Habit in Recovery, Distinguishing Information-Seeking and Reassurance Seeking, Additional RESILIENCE collection from around the web, The Mission Consumer Workbook (Relapse Prevention), Freedom from Sex Addiction: A Self-Help Workbook, Matrix Model for People with Stimulant Use Disorders, Matrix Model Relapse Prevention Group Handouts, Stress Less: Relaxation Enhancement Group Veteran Manual, Worksheets and Handouts on Trauma and ACES, VALUES - WHAT'S IMPORTANT , Supported Employment: Caring for the Whole Person, Setbacks and Engagement- A Guide for Counselors, mason.script.plugins.twitterTweetPlugin.tweet. Lost - Taking the Escalator therapy activity intro - YouTube Brief icebreaker: Discuss these two questions: 1 - What is something you do well that you wish you could get paid to do? New group therapy activity - - Taking the Escalator | Facebook Taking Escalator (@TakingEscalator) | Twitter Directions: Take turns sharing some nicknames you have had a different points in your life and share the origin of the name. Follow up question:What could this group achieve if everyone worked together in unity? This icebreaker is about innocent* ways that we all go against the grain in our own unique way, *The only rule is to keep discussion innocent (harmless) and light. If you are working with clients who want to share their art, poetry, videos, pictures - etc. Who do you invite and what is the topic of discussion? Brief Group Module and Icebreaker Collection 3 - Academia.edu The FORUM page has icebreakers and brief therapy modules. The Taking the Escalator Method is focused on enhancing and sustaining these three essential qualities in the diagram (Insight, Internal Motivation and External Motivation/Support) to establish and drive the positive changes needed for inspiration and progress toward treatment and overall lifestyle goals www.takingtheescalator.com f For Counselors - READ: What are Coexisting Issues? Self Esteem II - More self esteem, continued Self Esteem Boost: Building Self Esteem and Increasing a Sense of Self Worth, Self Value - (Submitted by Lesley Sanfilippo, LCSW), Self Esteem and Affirmation Development - (Submitted by Caitlin Kennedy, LCSW, LCADC), Self Awareness - (Submitted by Caitlin Kennedy, LCSW, LCADC), The Truth about Self Esteem - An in depth look at Self Esteem from a realistic perspective, Associations - Honestly considering how your choice of associations affect you, The "Cushion" Concept for Managing Setbacks, FOMO -How to Identify, Prevent and Overcome the Fear of Missing Out, Getting Over the Hump - An activity for those who have been at this a long time, Holiday Survival Plan - Planning ahead to get through any holiday without setbacks or relapse -, Plan to Avoid Relapse - (Submitted by Caitlin Kennedy, LCSW, LCADC), Stability and Setback Prevention Checklist, Staying the Course Toward Success Know the SIGNS, Triggered: A Discussion on Coping with Mental Health and Substance Use, UNG- Unnecessary Grief - Thinking and planning ahead to avoid trouble later, Weekend Plan - A basic planning tool for surviving weekends, Spirituality (Moved to "Meaning and Purpose"), Coping with Stress - A comprehensive list of effective coping skills, Killer Bs The Effects of Stress and the Body, Brain and Behavior, Stress PowerPoint Slides- CLICK HERE FOR ACTUAL POWERPOINT VERSION, Melissa Mackolin on her Journey to Recovery - Podcast, Nicole Tierney: A Story of Recovery and Hope, Megan Reeves: Hold on Pain Ends - (With discussion questions), (For additional information on Trauma see the Escalator Trauma Resource Page), Unforeseen Circumstances: Adapt or Collapse, It's Easy to Be Honest When You Have Nothing to Lie About, Lifeboat Activity - Lifeboat exercises are nothing new but this one has had good success, VIDEO LINK -VALUES - WHAT'S IMPORTANT - (Corresponds to the above worksheet), Additional VETERANS collection from around the web, Taking the Escalator YouTube Page - Videos for group therapy, The Brain and Addiction Behavior with Dr. Erin Zerbo, MD, Coping with Stress and Anxiety in a Changing World, Life Story Video - LB HEARS Episode 1 - Nikki Tierney - (Click to view), Not Okay? (No Lap Sitting). The connection between music and emotional memories can be very powerful. Nikki's story is engaging and motivating and this video can be used as group therapy tool as your clients will surely be inspired by her story, Additional Submissions by Taking the Escalator, Cross Addiction - Education and exercise on substituting addictive behaviors, How High was I..How Low did I Go? Materials marked "CCI" are from a large collection which comes generously from the Centre for Clinical Interventions (CCI) in Western Australia, who has allowed these mental health worksheets and activities to be uploaded and shared for counselors by Taking the Escalator. For Counselors - READ: What are Coexisting Issues? Back Submit. Starting and Staying on a Positive Note - Academia.edu This is a brief icebreaker or discussion focused on the role technology plays in mental health. Are you confusing a low probability with a high probability? To start group today first do this simple exercise. The techniques explained in his method, Taking the Escalator: An Alternative to the 12 Steps, help individuals who are resistant to traditional approaches gain the tools needed for learning to increase insight and motivation for positive change. Are you taking examples out of context by only considering one aspect of the situation at the expense of considering the entire incident? Ok maybe there are. . 5/26/22 - Brief Outline for Discussing Violence in the Media. This is a reprint of the brief therapy modules and icebreakers released in that forum for the six-month period from July 2021 through September 2021 The invention of the escalator was, literally, ground-breaking. What are your three instructions for your life replacement? What could this group achieve if everyone worked together in unity? takingtheescalator.com Addiction and Substance Use Resources, Non 12 Step Motivational Harm Reduction Tools for Substance Use & Mental Health. Consider some examples below: " I always aced my way through school my whole life until graduation, then the first time I went to college and got a bad grade because the work was just too hard for me, it was like a smack in the face that I could no longer breeze by without trying too hard any more", "For the first half of my life I thought that people who got addicted were weak until one day in my 50's I had surgery and got hooked on pain pills and now I see the real struggle involved", "I dumped or cheated on everyone I dated for years until one day I got really attached to someone who ended up suddenly dumping me for someone else and it crushed me and I have a new perspective on how I treated other people in my past", AS A GROUP: Share some of your own "Eye Opener" moments, 4/27/22 - Group Discussion: "Gratitude Moment: I Thought I Would Never But I Did! A habit plan involves connecting a new habit to an existing one, then rewarding the successful completion of the task. What is one thing that you prefer to take your time with and why? Brief Group Module and Icebreaker Collection 2 - Academia.edu One way that we can increase insight is to objectively look at ourselves through the eyes of others. 5 Ways To Practice Self Care in Addiction Recovery Download Free PDF Brief Group Module and Icebreaker Collection 2 - Taking the Escalator releases brief icebreakers and group therapy modules about twice per week in the "Forum" section on the Taking the Escalator: Group Activities by Topic page of the website. 5/9/22 - Fun Icebreaker: "What's the First Thing You'd Do If.". Global Elevator & Escalator Market 2023 - Yahoo Finance 2 - What is at least one thing you would not ever do for any amount of money. Unlike the Group Activities by Topic page, the materials here are for shorter discussions, warm- ups and close outs as part of longer group sessions, as well as occasional articles and other resources from around the web This is a brief group assessment and discussion on current family functioning. Self-Care Activities Group Ideas Basics Topic: Coping Skills, Substance Use, Recovery Supplies Needed: 12 Sided Dice Template, Scissors, Glue or Tape, Markers or Drawing Utensil Prep Time: Some Prep Activity: Written/Expressive Age Range: Any Age 12-Sided Recovery Dice We will be creating a 12-sided dice. To get started, it helps to create a habit plan. How can you specifically apply this in your own life in a positive way? 3. Tags: addiction prevention addiction psychology drug addiction prevention relapse relapse prevention Unity - the state of being united or joined as a whole. It is great that you made it to this group. Have you signed up for Taking the Escalator ? PDF Name: Period: - psd202.org Discuss: Life can be exciting even without drugs and alcohol. NEW: Ideas, News and Suggestions for Counselors: Click Here to View the Latest Taking the Escalator Blog, Click Here to View the Taking the Escalator FORUM page, < To search by word anywhere on this page press: CTRL F >, Click to view the Taking the Escalator Assessment and Screening Tools, Escalator Chapters 1 - 4: Essential Background Information, Taking Another Look at Addiction, Recovery, and Sobriety, Understanding Some Key Concepts in a New Light, Understanding the Escalator Method from a Theoretical Perspective, The 10 Principles of the Escalator Change Process, Escalator First Floor: Finding Your Way through the Escalator, Helpers - Identifying who is out there to help you with the change process, Assessing Your Change Initiative - Getting started learning about insight, internal motivation and external motivation, VIDEO LINK - "Understanding Insight and Motivation for Positive Change" - (Corresponds with Assessing Change Initiative), FOR COUNSELORS - Read: Understanding the Key Roles of Insight & Motivation for Engagement in Counseling, The Ideal Vs. For this icebreaker, discuss some fictional "warning labels" for each of these situation, Try to come up with examples to discuss for the following two thoughts about the idea of "never", 1. Past Taking the Escalator Forum Compilations: Brief Group Module and Icebreaker Collection 1- October 2020 through March 2021, Brief Group Module and Icebreaker Collection 2 - April through June 2021, Brief Group Module and Icebreaker Collection 3 - July through September 2021, Brief Group Module and Icebreaker Collection 4 - October through December 2021, Brief Group Module and Icebreaker Collection 5 - January through April 2022, FORUM ENTRIES - (Most recent/newest on top). What is Self-Honesty and Why is it So Important? Being on the lifeboat doesn't mean survival, but not being on the life boat does mean certain death. You should be receiving an order confirmation from Paypal shortly. Have some fun answering questions as a group using this random question generator website -. Going the Distance: Sustaining Motivation, Outside In - Building yourself up on the inside by developing a solid plan, Pet Appreciation - Discussing how animals can help us cope, Systems Check - A checklist review of what is needed to move forward and upward, Motivation, Determination, & Habit in Recovery- (Submitted by Cassie Jewell), Self-Assessment: Giving Yourself Credit Where Credit is Due, EXTERNAL MOTIVATION - Strengthening existing supports and outside motivators, READ: External Motivation Background Information, External Motivation - Looking at what pushes us to change and ways to increase support, Support Report - Assessing and maximizing exisiting potential support system, Healthy Families - Looking at positive family qualities, Family Match Game - An icebreaker discussion for multii-family therapy group, Escalator Third Floor: Enhancing Areas of Need, Check In - A basic tool for checking in where you are today, Check In Cheat Sheet - A comprehensive list of information and ideas for the check in process in therapy, Taking a Trip to the Other Side - Again exploring insight and motivation building from new perspectives, Change Analysis - Examining the actual, the real and the ideal, Point of View Adjustment - Looking at other viewpoints to gain awareness, Shielding - Looking at how we may try to protect ourselves from incomfortable realities, A Journey Through Change - Looking at change from various perspectives, Life's Education: Breaking the pattern of repeated mistakes, Garbages and Gardens (Attitude Made Simple). When you're in active addiction, drugs and alcohol become your main priority, and the importance of things like physical and mental health, work, school, and family gets drowned out by your need to not be sober. This is not an opportunity to brag about behaviors that would be considered dangerous, aggressive illegal or anti-social, I put ketchup on my hot dogs and my steak even though most of society frowns upon that, Most people work out in the morning but I dont start my exercise routine until about 10:00 at night", Brief Group Module and Icebreaker Collection 1, Brief Group Module and Icebreaker Collection 2, Brief Group Module and Icebreaker Collection 3, Brief Group Module and Icebreaker Collection 4, Brief Group Module and Icebreaker Collection 5, https://randomwordgenerator.com/question.php. PDF Self-Control Workbook - Psychological Mobile Services 6/18/22 - Discussion Module: "Family Functioning". PsychCreatives | Taking the Escalator: Comprehensive SUD Resource Just about everyone of us can do more if we get the courage and motivation to expand outside our limits even just a little. Systems adi Group Ltd 3,545 followers 5d . Take turns filling in the blanks for the following sentence: If I could take the identity of ______________ for one day, I would make sure to ________________, Discuss: What is one thing that you are either really into or know a lot about that you could do a 30 second commercial about it? These can be big, life changing moments at times but at other times these unique experiences pop up in strange and unexpected ways. takingtheescalator.com Addiction and Substance Use Resources, Non 12 Step Motivational Harm Reduction Tools for Substance Use & Mental Health, (Same tools, but organized according to the Taking the Escalator Method). I should try to start talking to people more and expand outside my comfort zone". For this group icebreaker on greatness discuss these two questions as a group: 1 - Who would you consider "great" in the world today or in history and why? What warning label should have come with your current (or most recent) relationship partner? Any questions email: [emailprotected], Creativity is awesome. Taking the Escalator - Posts | Facebook Obstacle Course - (Start Here) - This initial activity helps you identify which obstacles to work on below: CONFIDENCE BUILDING - (Overcoming Fear of Failure), Social Relationships - Setting Priorities, Are You Letting Fear Hold You Back? Discussion: Even if you are not old (or even if you are) what is one thing that you do that is often associated with older people? What warning label should be displayed when you are angry? Brief introduction for use of Taking the Escalator group activity "Drop the Rocks" available on Taking the Escalator website or through this direct link: htt. I never thought that(Discuss an unexpected GOOD thing that has happened to you. If you could know the real truth for any one event at any point in time, what would you want to know about and why? This page has all of the Taking the Escalator original material organized according to the Taking the Escalator Method. You should be receiving an order confirmation from Paypal shortly. adi VT Lift Escalator Consultancy reposted this Report this post . Today I want to tune out conversations about.

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